Best Fire Alarm for the Home

Due to tougher smoke alarm rules in Queensland, property managers and homeowners are now more particular about the type of alarm to use in their property. Here’s an article that informs you about which fire alarm is best for the home. Which fire alarm should you use? Photoelectric or ionisation smoke alarms? Photoelectric alarms are [...]

By |June 15th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

New Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation: Improving Fire Safety

January 1, 2017, marked the beginning of tougher Queensland Smoke Alarm regulations in a move to raise fire safety in the entire state. The new Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation means changes in the placement of smoke alarms, type of smoke alarm technology, and Queensland Smoke Alarm requirements for properties depending on their use. The safety [...]

Are Your Smoke Alarms Compliant with AS 3786-2014?

Changes in the smoke alarm legislation are taking fire safety in Queensland to the next level. The new rules cover the timeframe of implementation depending on the type and use of property, placement of fire detectors, and the technology standards to follow. With these amendments, the state now has the toughest laws in Australia when [...]

Give the Gift of Fire Safety this Mother’s Day

Mothers are the ultimate hyphenates of the world. They can take care of the children, build an empire, deck out a home, and do more super amazing things all at the same time. And the marvel of it all is that they never stop giving everything they have just to ensure we’re safe and sound. [...]

Teaching Children about Fire Safety & Home Smoke Alarms

Fire safety and the importance of home smoke alarms are common topics in schools. But how often do you talk to your kids about them AT HOME? These aren’t exactly exciting topics for children or teens to chat about at the dinner table (compared to say the latest Netflix episodes or fashion trend). However, it’s [...]

Home Fire Safety – The People Who Make It Happen

Home fire safety is not just the responsibility of one person. It’s a collective effort of the entire community, the Government, and individuals. Imagine a world where no one would lose a home or a loved one due to fire. From the look of things, we still have a long way to go before that [...]

By |May 9th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

What Fatal Fire Incidents Taught Us

Queenslanders will never forget the fatal fire incidents that happened years ago, which resulted in damage to property, catastrophic injuries, and deaths. As part of lessons learned from these tragedies, we now have stricter rules on the installation of residential smoke detectors and increased focus on fire prevention. These are proof that communities and the [...]

Your Most Burning Questions about the new QLD Smoke Detector Rules

January 1, 2017, marked the day when Queensland owned the record as the only state in Australia with the most comprehensive smoke detector requirements. For homeowners, landlords, property managers, and residents, this means exerting effort in understanding and complying with the new rules. With the influx of information on the internet about these requirements, it [...]

By |April 27th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

Ways to Keep Your Home Prepared for a Bush fire

Here’s something we can all agree on: The more you prepare your home, the more you will keep it protected from a deadly bush fire. One way to ensure fire safety 24/7 is to install smoke detectors. But apart from having this device, did you know that there are other ways you can contribute to [...]

Ordinary Objects that Could Cause a House Fire

Fire prevention doesn’t have to be complicated. Smoke alarms coupled with a constant focus on safety can protect you and your family from the dangers of fire emergencies. But without us knowing, it’s the most ordinary items that could potentially spark a nasty flame, which could lead to fatal house fires. Here are objects around [...]

By |April 20th, 2017|Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments