New Qld Smoke Alarm Rules: Are Your Managed Properties Compliant?

As a property manager, you play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and protection of owners and tenants. As such, they rely on you for advice on compliance with the new Qld Smoke Alarm Legislation and other relevant rules and regulations that could help mitigate damages to life and assets. As a trusted advisor, [...]

By |March 19th, 2018|Smoke Alarm Legislation, Tenants|0 Comments

Property Management: Key Strategies to Keep Clients Happy

A property manager’s success in real estate doesn’t happen overnight. It requires time, experience and a strong network to stay ahead in today’s market competition. Trusted and successful property managers take a more proactive approach to ensure client satisfaction from the beginning of the partnership. Here are key strategies to keep your clients happy and [...]

By |March 1st, 2018|Smoke Alarm Legislation, Tenants|0 Comments

Steps in Choosing the Best Smoke Alarm

Early warning is vital to escape a burning house.  Fire emergency is a situation no one wants to face, but firefighters fight thousands of home fires every year. That is why every home in Australia must have properly installed smoke alarms. With the different types of smoke alarms in the market, it is difficult to [...]

By |October 17th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

New Qld Legislation Compliance: The Solution to Your Worries

The clock continues to tick toward the 2022 deadline and as the COVID threat becomes more clearly defined, owners will be in even more need of a clear strategy. If you’re worried about maintaining smoke alarms and ensuring compliance with the new QLD Legislation, a trusted smoke alarm provider can offer the help you need. [...]

By |September 27th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|2 Comments

The Best Queensland Smoke Alarms

The best Queensland smoke alarms will give residents a stronger chance of surviving a house fire. Following the newly amended smoke alarm legislation, property managers and homeowners must be cautious when choosing smoke alarms for their property. Under the new rules, all new smoke alarms that go into the property starting January 1, 2017, must [...]

Residential Smoke Alarms: What Everyone Ought to Know

Queensland now has the most comprehensive residential smoke alarm legislation in Australia. It outlines what kind of residential smoke alarms must be used, where to place the device, and timeline of compliance depending on the type and use of the property. But apart from it being a compliance obligation, why would you work towards aligning [...]

By |August 7th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

Smoke Alarm Regulations: The Ultimate Compliance Guide

The Queensland Government has committed to changes that bring the state the most extensive smoke alarm regulations in the country. Tragically, in the past 12 years, over 150 people have died in Queensland house fires. Many will remember the fatal incident in 2011 when 11 people were killed in one house fire. The triggers for [...]

By |August 2nd, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|2 Comments

Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation: Dos and Don’ts

The new Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation stamps the state’s resolve to ensure the safety and protection of all residents and properties. It imposes strict requirements that property owners must comply with and introduces significant changes for gradual implementation within ten years. There are a lot of sites on the internet about the new legislation. This [...]

By |July 20th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|1 Comment

Two Things to Remember When Installing New Smoke Alarms

If you are installing new smoke alarms this year, you must consider some key factors to ensure your compliance with the new Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation. The amended laws have particular provisions about the type, placement, and interconnection of alarms to use. It can be very confusing for homeowners and property managers to know if [...]

Tips to Choose the Best Fire Detector for Your Property

When it comes to your property, you don’t want to take chances. You want to install the best fire detector available in the market to ensure fire safety, protection, and compliance. But how exactly are you going to know what smoke alarms to install? Here are tips to help you pick the best fire detector [...]