Home Safety and Ways to Promote It

Establishing home safety for your family is, of course, your top priority. Most injuries are predictable and preventable, and you can do so much to make sure that your home environment is as safe as possible. Thankfully, most of these concerns can be addressed quickly by installing devices such as smoke alarms and taking proactive [...]

By |November 22nd, 2017|Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Smoke detector Program: A Community’s Fire Safety Initiative

A smoke detector program for the elderly recently saved the life of a woman during a fire in her home. She had the smoke detector serviced by firefighters only a few months earlier. Wangaratta Fire Brigade members visited the 81-year-old woman’s home installed the alarm last year and returned to replace the smoke detector batteries [...]

By |October 12th, 2017|Feel Good, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Microwave Oven Fire Safety Tips

Most of us use a Microwave Oven every day, and it’s easy to take anything that convenient for granted. Here’s a brief science lesson and some tips to keep you safe: Microwave ovens transmit radiation that excites water molecules. If there are no moisture available, other less volatile molecules will absorb the radiation and begin to [...]

By |October 6th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Securing Your Children’s Safety this Bushfire Season

We live in a world where natural disasters happen and in the case of a bushfire, sometimes with little warning.  As a parent, you know it’s the safety of the children that are most important in these times. Their survival depends on your ability to move quickly, and with kids, that’s not always easy! So [...]

Kitchen Fire Safety

Cooking is a fun and relaxing chore that brings family and friends together. It provides an excellent way to express your creativity and love for food. But did you know that cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires and injuries? To prevent cooking fires, it is important to be alert and mindful [...]

By |September 13th, 2017|Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Queensland Fire Safety: Ways to Prevent House Fires

Homeowners and residents greatly contribute to Queensland fire safety. Fire is a threat to everyone and those who don’t prepare often experience most of the damages when a blaze occurs. Obviously, we all want to give our family a higher chance of survival by taking important fire prevention steps. One of which is to update [...]

By |September 5th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

The Best Queensland Smoke Alarms

The best Queensland smoke alarms will give residents a stronger chance of surviving a house fire. Following the newly amended smoke alarm legislation, property managers and homeowners must be cautious when choosing smoke alarms for their property. Under the new rules, all new smoke alarms that go into the property starting January 1, 2017, must [...]

Smoke Detectors: A Must Know

A fire comes like a thief in the night – It occurs when your defences are down. It can start in seconds, and engulf everything you worked hard for in just minutes. But that doesn’t mean that fire is invincible. One of the easiest ways to protect yourself and your family from fatal fires is [...]

By |August 24th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|1 Comment

Tips to Avoid Fatal Risks Before, During and After a Bushfire

Bushfires cause loss of life and millions in damage every year in Australia. It creates an absolute threat to many properties during summer, particularly in the hot and dry environment commonly associated with the season. You should be well-prepared to avoid the potential risks that might happen when a devastating bushfire attacks your home. What [...]

How to Safely Evacuate a Home After You Hear Your Smoke Alarms

Having smoke alarms will not guarantee 100 percent fire safety. There is still more preparation that you need to keep all the residents in your home safe. During an emergency, everyone in the home needs to know how to react once the fire is detected. Here is what you have to do to safely evacuate [...]

By |July 28th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments