Safe Home Services Blog

New Qld Legislation Compliance: The Solution to Your Worries

The clock continues to tick toward the 2022 deadline and as the COVID threat becomes more clearly defined, owners will be in even more need of a clear strategy. If you’re worried about maintaining smoke [...]

Securing Your Children’s Safety this Bushfire Season

We live in a world where natural disasters happen and in the case of a bushfire, sometimes with little warning.  As a parent, you know it’s the safety of the children that are most important [...]

Kitchen Fire Safety

Cooking is a fun and relaxing chore that brings family and friends together. It provides an excellent way to express your creativity and love for food. But did you know that cooking is one of [...]

Tips for a Proper Dog CPR

House fire can strike at any moment. Don’t wait for this catastrophic event to happen; you must come up with an emergency plan in place before you need it. Prioritise the protection of your family [...]

By |September 8th, 2017|Categories: Feel Good|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Queensland Fire Safety: Ways to Prevent House Fires

Homeowners and residents greatly contribute to Queensland fire safety. Fire is a threat to everyone and those who don’t prepare often experience most of the damages when a blaze occurs. Obviously, we all want to [...]

A picture of hope

The damage caused by Hurricane Harvey paints a bleak picture. The number of confirmed deaths continues to rise. Thousands of people and hundreds of pets have been displaced from their homes. Nearly 50,000 houses have [...]

By |September 1st, 2017|Categories: Feel Good, Natural Disaster Preparation|Tags: , , |0 Comments